I enjoyed speaking with Brentwood resident Danny Dorhman. Watch us discuss Brentwood hot topics and how I hope to serve Brentwood residents when I'm on City Council next year. It's a long interview and we could have kept going. Here's a minute mark list of the highlights:
1:48 Jovita’s introduction and run for Brentwood City Council. 3:05 Danny asks Jovita what will her first year on City Council look like? 4:53 Oil & Gas Drilling proposed just 1,000 feet from Brentwood homes! 12:50 How developer permit applications from years past negatively impact our community. 23:11 Renewing the agricultural treasures of Brentwood. 29:38 “Scope & Developer Creep” - A plan without a goal is a wish. 33:05 Examine the alarming past voting records of current candidates. 37:11 Emergency & Fire Services – Do we declare a State of Emergency? 38:32 How developers like Seeno can bankrupt a town. 40:23 How can residents participate in planning commission and city council meetings? 42:10 What can we do for residents and business owners to keep their homes and businesses afloat? 44:30 Danny thanks Jovita for not talking like a politician! LOL 46:31 What exactly is the proposed Innovation Center? 47:23 Jovita suggests instituting Blite Ordinances on commercial landlords like other cities do. 50:01 How can we create more opportunities for minority and women owned businesses? 59:27 Danny and Jovita give their takes on a hot topic: Defunding the Police. 111:44 Ensuring every Brentwood student received a computer during Covid. 114:29 Jovita summarizes why 2020 is the most important election in Brentwood’s history.
My decision to run for City Council was not something I made on a whim. I have been actively involved in our community and would like to share with you some of the issues that don't always make the headlines, but have demanded a great deal of time and work. I ask for your vote because I have always and will continue to put Brentwood residents first, sharing details with the community so that YOU drive the conversation (not developers and special interest groups).
Just like all of you I'm a voter and finding it a bit difficult to get out and meet candidates. School District races are so important this year and I'll be meeting with Stephanie Williams-Rogers running for Brentwood Unified School Board via ZOOM on Wednesday, September 23rd at 6:00pm. (UPDATED 9/24/20) - Stephanie and Jovita discuss hot Brentwood topics. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE ZOOM REPLAY We will be asking each other questions to get to know each other (and hopefully I can earn her vote). If there is anything you'd like to ask Stephanie leave your question in the comments below and I'll add them to my list. You can email me too at [email protected] For more info please visit Stephanie's FB at:
Stephanie Williams-Rogers for Brentwood School Board OR her Website at: www.stephanieforschools.com So looking forward to the weekend. This was a busy week in Brentwood politics, particularly with the Bridal Gate drama! Pick up some fresh produce and goodies at the Farmer's Market tomorrow, stop by to introduce yourself and say Hi. Tell me what you'd like for Brentwood and how best I can serve you when I'm on City Council.
Brentwood, we have a busy week ahead of us. Need as many residents as possible to call in to Tuesday the 15th for your input on Bridal Gate. Make your voice heard! The planning commission voted unanimously (5-0) not to rezone Bridal Gate. Let's see if our city council follows suit and which council members actually participate. One council member has made a controversial choice by erroneously recusing herself from voting on Bridal Gate.
Monday, Sept 14th 7:00 pm Planning Commission (Walnut Villas) https://brentwoodca.webex.com/brentwoodca/onstage/g.php?MTID=eec932bd7788f14dc604236c8e2c3459c Tuesday, Sept 15th, 7:00 pm City Council (Bridal Gate) https://brentwoodca.webex.com/brentwoodca/onstage/g.php?MTID=e63b341a26eb6c41f19ef5620061440bf Wednesday, Sept 16th, 7:00 pm (Innovation Center) https://zoom.us/j/96584225176 Join us tonight at 6:00pm via ZOOM for a Virtual Meet and Greet with these 3 candidates:
Karen Rarey - Mayor Jovita Mendoza - City Council District 1 Meet Susannah Meyer - City Council District 3 Please have your questions ready for these 3 hardworking candidates. We're working on in-person meetings downtown when the smoke clears. ZOOM LINK: https://zoom.us/j/97257519265?pwd=cTdxbS8wckhrbTlnQThSRW1rcHhFQT09&fbclid=IwAR1SRKuLwnRH3-aqDwx8wJ8QnbFOixbRaWlaUFS547rLfvFBel0H-CVRtVQ#success MEETING ID: 972 5751 9265 PASSCODE: 619305 |
UPDATESFollow Jovita's run for Brentwood City Council. Archives |